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Diversity in the tech sector has long been recognised as a challenge but despite widespread recognition of the issue we are still a long way from resolving it.  Gender balance in particular is still a major problem with women only accounting for 23% of the workforce in digital technologies roles. 

In order to identify ways of addressing this ScotlandIS consulted with a range of members to gather ideas and create an ‘Action Plan’.  The consultation engaged with women across the membership from large and small companies, including a focus group and follow-up consultations with individuals.

This generated a number of actions focused on what ScotlandIS can do and influence to support employers in increasing the diversity of their (technology) workforce, 不重复现有的举措. 有关进展的最新情况将在适当时候公布.


Improving equality and diversity in the workplace is widely recognised not only as the socially responsible thing to do, 但这样做对经济有利. 

  • 技能短缺——如果你正在努力招聘的话, 你需要吸引所有人才, 不只是通常的嫌疑人
  • without inclusiveness and diversity around the production table, there is a risk that technology will not meet the needs of its diverse consumer base.
  • 女性参与对盈利能力产生积极影响, 公司信誉与生产力, 展示了来自麦肯锡等知名机构的研究


For some years, the proportion of women in digital technology roles stalled around 17%, 在博天堂入口和英国其他地方. 然而,2017年的劳动力统计数据显示,情况有所好转 increase to 23.4%. This is encouraging but there still is much more room for improvement, 不仅在劳动力市场,而且在人才输送渠道. 从中学到学院和大学, girls and young women are under-represented in STEM subjects. More facts about women in Scotland’s digital technologies sector and the talent pipeline are available here


数字博天堂入口, 与equequscotland合作, developed a 最佳实践指南 for employers in the digital technologies industry that want recruit, 在他们的组织中保留和培养更多的女性. The guide includes practical advice for businesses of different sizes and with different levels of experience in gender diversity. 来自博天堂入口成员公司FanDuel的案例研究, Simul8, BT and Sky illustrate how this advice is put into practice and how easy it is to get started. 看看导游吧 here.

Various tools and support mechanisms are available to take actions towards gender diversity, for example:

  • Workshops on unconscious bias, inclusive leadership and other topics, by 博天堂入口等同起来
  • Self-assessment tool to assess your current employment practices and provide tailored advice and guidance for SMEs, by Close The Gap
  • 在网站上刊登招聘广告 平等职业中心 which specifically targets women in STEM and offers advice on how improve your job advert to get more female applicants
  • Inspire the next generation and become a STEM Ambassador that speaks to school children and shows them how exciting a career in digital tech can be, STEMNET可以帮助人们参与进来
  • DigitalXtra Fund supports young people to get involved in coding or digital making activities, 不论性别, background, or location. 了解如何支持这一点 发展人才管道.

中描述了更多采取行动的方法 最佳实践指南.


Networks of women in digital technologies can contribute a great deal to a feeling of belonging by women to their employers and the wider sector. This is crucial to retain and develop more women in the industry. We are currently aware of the following networks of women in tech in Scotland:

You can support them by encouraging your staff to attend, offer meeting space or sponsorship. 

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